Most dental practices offer some level of sedation to help patients get over scary or uncomfortable procedures. Sedation comes in many forms, ranging from a topical numbing solution to deep IV sedation using medication. And while it is often used to help block pain, sedation can help in numerous other ways during your time in the dental chair. So the next time your dentist recommends sedation, remember that it may be for their benefit as well. Find out more on the many benefits of dental sedation here:
Block Discomfort with Sedation Dentistry
The leading reason sedation is used in dentistry is to help block discomfort during procedures. Many dental treatments can seem painful and uncomfortable, but with sedation, the discomfort is no longer felt or severely minimized. For example, many patients under the effects of sedation report that the process for dental implants simple feels like a slight pressure in their jaw.
Sedation Helps Control Anxiety Dental fear is one of the most common reasons patients end up putting off their dental treatments. Fears of the sights, smells, sounds, or discomfort keep many patients away from getting the care they desperately need. With dental sedation, these fears are put to rest and the patient is often able to forget about them completely while treatments are being performed. This can help fearful patients enjoy healthy, beautiful smiles again.
Your Dentist Will Have Better Control While You are Sedated Even the bravest of patients can get squirmy in the dental chair. With sedation, the doctor is able to have more control over the procedure since patients are more relaxed. This often allows dentists to perform more treatments during one sitting and often finish procedures faster. Since sedated patients are more comfortable, they need fewer breaks during appointments and can enjoy their smile sooner.
A Reduction to Your Gag Reflex Having a gag reflex is a good thing. It prevents you from choking or hurting yourself, but during a dental appointment, it can make it difficult to get much work done. Patients with an overly sensitive gag reflex can benefit from sedation by temporarily hindering their reflex, allowing the doctor to complete work without the patient reacting negatively.
Schedule An Appointment
Want to experience dentistry the easy way? Schedule your next appointment today and ask your local dentist about sedation.